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Microns Matter. Adding a New Quad Roller Grinder to Help Customers Increase Milk Production


At Insight FS, our goal is to help our customers improve their profitability by providing quality supplies, services, and advising and investing in you as a customer. This past month we installed a new quad roller grinder with a scraper to take off the overs that allows us to provide the most efficient ground corn in the area. The roller grinder we installed allows us to provide high capacity ground corn under 400 microns with outstanding surface area. By taking off the overs on our ground corn, we can provide the most consistent product tested at a standard deviation of only 1.53%.

Why is all this important for our customers by reducing our micron and increasing our surface area? When corn is processed into smaller and smaller particles, more surface area is created which allows more rumen microbes to attach and eat. The more the rumen microbes eat, the more energy and protein available for milk production. This allows for greater feed efficiency. Research completed at the Ohio State University demonstrated a decrease in particle size of 150 microns increase milk production by 2 pounds/head/day.

Other factors that will influence corn in the diet is genetic traits and weather effects. Varieties of corn that are flourier will be more digestible than corn that is vitreous corn. These traits can also be weather dependent and vary year to year. However, having a finer grind will aid in making the most out of each corn crop and season. 

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